Easy Handmade Gifts You Can Make From SCRAP Wood
Easy Handmade Gifts You Can Make From SCRAP Wood
As you can see in this video, my shop is overflowing with scrap wood… I love to use it to make these small projects, which I can give as gifts! I tried my best to use minimal tools so anyone can make these. Have fun and happy holidays!
6-in-1 Trim Router Jig – https://bit.ly/6in1TrimRouterJig
FREE Dowel Breadboard Template – https://bit.ly/DowelBreadBoard
FREE Pistachio Bowl 3D Print File – https://bit.ly/PistachioBowls
FREE Napkin Holder with Salt & Pepper Shakers 3D Print File – https://bit.ly/NapkinSaltPepper
I have been testing out the Hyper Tough brand of tools to see if they are a good option for anyone on a budget, and I am impressed so far! Check them out here:
HT 20V Cordless Brushless Drill Driver – https://bit.ly/HT20VDrill
HT 20V BL Impact wrench 550 lbs – https://bit.ly/HT20VImpactWrench
HT 20V Cordless Brushless Angle Grinder – https://bit.ly/HT20VAngleGrinder
HT 20V 4.0aH battery pack USB – https://bit.ly/HT20V4ahBattery
HT 20V 2.0Ah Battery -https://bit.ly/HT20V2ahBattery
For more details, check out my website – https://www.3x3custom.com/tutorials/
0:00 – Intro
0:08 – Dowel Bread Board
05:03 – Joinery Trivet # 1
07:52 – Joinery Trivet # 2
11:31 – Joinery Trivet # 3
15:55 – Pistachio Bowl
21:53 – Napkin Holder with Salt & Pepper Shakers
25:34 – Carved Serving Tray
AMAZON (affiliate) LINKS
Handheld Drilling Guide for Straight Holes – https://amzn.to/4ft3l4D
Spray Adhesive – https://amzn.to/4foN4On
Goodfilla Wood Filler – https://amzn.to/3NKerGV
Cutting Board Oil – https://amzn.to/4flPg96
Bevel Setting Gauge – https://amzn.to/3A8HIba
Flat Top Grind Table Saw Blade – https://amzn.to/3UxrZJD
Pattern Bit for Trim Router – https://amzn.to/4f8IlRg
Bowl Carving Bit for Trim Router – https://amzn.to/4htZBC4
Forstner Bit Extender – https://amzn.to/4f5PbH9
Plugs for Salt & Pepper Shakers – https://amzn.to/3YLI80C
Ball Gouge for Angle Grinder (please be careful with this) – https://amzn.to/3YJmkCt
Contour Sander – https://amzn.to/3YGQdn3
Gooseneck Scraper – https://amzn.to/3C4brm1
Spokeshave – https://amzn.to/3Uwo9Aa
Tablesaw – https://amzn.to/4aB4ZQ1
Jointer – https://amzn.to/3PQZQux
Planer – https://amzn.to/4aF0Lq6
Miter Saw – https://amzn.to/441UDpT
Drill Press – https://amzn.to/49o6O0U
Bandsaw – https://amzn.to/4aJqxcP
Drum Sander – https://amzn.to/441VlDz
Dust Collection – https://bit.ly/DustGorillaPro
Router – https://amzn.to/4aH6aNq
Stop Block – https://bit.ly/3x3StopBlock
Get 10% off Laguna parts and accessories here – https://www.shop.lagunatools.com/
use code: TAMAR10
Get 10% off Wall Control here – https://www.wallcontrol.com/ use code: 3X3CUSTOM
Get 10% off custom pegboards from https://www.hangtimestore.com/ use code: 3X3CUSTOM
Get 10% off Mullet Dust Collector here – https://mullettools.com?aff=3 use code: 3X3CUSTOM
My Amazon Store – https://amzn.to/2uRpplb
My Recording Equipment
Main Camera:
Action Camera:
Shotgun Mic:
Website – https://www.3x3custom.com
Subscribe – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC39z4_U8Kls0llAij3RRZAQ
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/3x3custom/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/3by3custom
Links above are affiliate links, I make a small commission if you click on them at no extra cost to you. clicking on them really helps me continue to make more projects
#HyperTough #HyperTough20V
Most plans on your website cost money. Stop saying plans are "available" there. They cost money.
Easy, handmade went away within the first minute…
Hello from Italy. I’m developing woodworking as a hobby and I just wanted to say that I really admire your insane skills together with your creative approach!! I’ve watched a ton of videos on this platform but enjoy yours the most. Thank you for sharing. On a negative note I am totally jealous of your high end tools

great! but the last project is the only one I would consider easy xD
Thank you for making this video! I’m gonna try to Star of David for the holidays!
Thank you for making these accessible to people with simple tools and for giving multiple options for many cuts.
Hello Tamar. I want to make my pegs. I would like to acquire these tools to make them. Please, Urgent!
What! My spouse also thinks the pepper should have more holes, but I grew up the other way.
I hear carter inch…
Merry Christmas
I’ve been using those drills from Walmart for at least 10 years, and I’m a pro woodworker. I got tired of paying for over priced name brand drills and batteries and having problems finding new batteries after a couple of years. My woodworking buddies laughed at me and say, you’re got Lie Nielson hand planes and saws and drills from Walmart. I told them well, maybe one of the reasons I can afford Lie Nielson is not over paying for name brand drills. Excellent projects you have there. Thanks for sharing.
great channel, totally subbing! Do you have a video on the best ways to get free and cheap scrap wood for projects? also have you tried the super glue and masking tape trick instead of double sided tape? you put masking tape on both items and then put super glue on one and activator on the other and stick them together. then when done it comes right off with no residue.
Awesome craftsmanship and design
Great projects and awesome instructions. I need to beef up my scrap pile
Hey, I’m into those tools to. Been looking for a couple things. Digital calipers and a digital square. Was walking by some tools and there they were. Awesome.
Omg that bread takes me back!!!
Sheesh… thats a great idea for making dowels!! I have been making them on my lathe… and let me tell you, thats not as easy as one might think!
Great detective work on the trivet assembly techniques, I love the way you’ve explained all this. And then you’ve made great gifts (and one personal keeper too!) so thats another bonus!
Thank you for the tips! As stated below; so much info yet so well explained. Here, take my subscription!
I see you listed the bevel setting gauge in your tool list but I couldn’t find which T bevel you use. Sorry if I’m missing it
Her scrap wood pile is worth more than my tools
My brain hurts!
Of course, the pistachio bowl could more simply be made on the wood lathe…
Not to judge, but is there a reason why you are using a hyper tough drill, but a festool and sawstop saws
Very good idea, thank you for sharing
Love the trivets. I made five of the hexagons and two of the second trivet (the popsicle sticks). For the second trivet, I took what seemed like a simpler approach to step two. I took the first two pieces, interlocked them, and placed them on my crosscut sled against the fence (the longer distance between the ends against the fence). Making sure the blade kerf was aligned through the center of the X, I set the blade to one third the width and made multiple passes to clear out the width of the third piece. Then I was able to place the third piece in the cutout and mark it for its cuts. Thanks for the great ideas and inspiration.
As usual amazing ideas, Thank You
My favs are the bread board and the snack tray! So beautiful and very useful. Thank you for sharing!
this is the first time I ran across your videos… I really like the way you approach a project… thanks for sharing, I am looking forward to seeing more. I am sharing this with others, who I know, will appreciate all the valuable information. Thanks again for sharing
I noticed you’re still using the pedestrian cross cutting sled. Why have you switched cross cut sleds? Your "original" design impressed me a lot. It looked to be a little smaller as well as so much more versatile. Love to know what made you switch to a more common style?
I’m going to make the dowel breadboard and use it every Friday for Shabbos, I’ll send pics when I’m done!
Thank you
My wife loves pistachios and that looks like it would be a great turning project! And a lot easier than using the router
I tried to cut the centerline, on the first little piece, with a circular saw, like you said, and I cut my arm off?! What did I do wrong?
Really nice work
The try at the end is the best. Im got to try it!
Again thanks for posting. really like that router Jig
Trivet #3, be careful not to circumcise it. Lol
It is NOT "the holidays". It is Christmas. Drop the woke sh*t.
These are all wonderful, creative, unique gift ideas. I could easily gift each of them to close family and friends. Thank you.
I already watched this video at least a dozen times trying to figure out if I was going to do the Dowel Bread Board or the Salt & Pepper Napkin Holder. Reduced playback speed to 0.95 trying to get the details right, especially on the tray’s edge banding. Deciding I didn’t have time to figure out salt/pepper plugs this year after purchasing the 4” Forstner extension, because at some point I’ll still do them. I’m going to cut full scale dowel holders, but I might cut them down and scale down the bread board just a pinch.
Thank you for the video, some of the tools you used I didn’t know existed. that makes it easier for me to find them and use them in a small shop. Thank you again. Take care.
These are very cool projects- definitely going on my to-do list. Our family also loves Trekking the World!!
For the "popsicle stick" trivet, what if you cut the joints 1/3-1/3-1/3, instead of 1/2-1/2-1/3?
Great job. I am amazed at your skill and mastery.
Hi everyone! I’ve been trying to make the jewish star but I use an Incra miter sled not a home built one and im confused as to how to cut the half laps. Any help would be appreciated Thanks
Will you marry me, my wife doesn’t know a screwdriver from a file and your shop and tools, I would love to have all that! My wife got a salt and pepper mill set for Christmas and I think I can make a napkin/salt & pepper holder like you did. Thanks! (Just kidding about the marry me part)