Expressive Brushstrokes with Acrylics – Painting Loosely
Expressive Brushstrokes with Acrylics – Painting Loosely
Learn how to create expressive brushstrokes with acrylic paint. Loosen up and create acrylic paintings where the brushstrokes are the star. In this video, we create a loose and painterly still life in under one hour.
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Thank you so much. This was absolutely amazing.❤😊
If you, like me, were having trouble keeping track of the colors used, they were:
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Yellow Ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Prussian Blue
Cadmium Red
Cadmium Yellow
Burnt Sienna
loved this tutorial!
Awww great info but i need to get rid of brush strokes
I love your loose style of painting! Thanks for sharing!
Great learning. Thank you 👍👍👍
Are you making up terms? I’m literally googling "shape of value" and it’s not producing much. Look man, if you don’t know what you’re talking about that’s fine, just don’t waste my time with a video labeled "tutorial" when all you’re gonna do is paint a pear and regurgitate word salad.
This is excellent !
Thank you so much for this video! As a self taught oil painter i have, from the start, naturally painted realistically and could not figure out how to paint in the expressionistic style! Thank you!
Hands down the best instructional type video I’ve seen in a long time. It’s surreal. Awesome! Thank you!
What is this pear painted on? Paper or canvas board?
He has one of the best tutorials 🔥
No one explains it this fully❤️
Thank you so much🤭✨
Thank you so much. This tutorial is excellent.
What type/brand of acrylic paints do you use here?
Thank you so much
This is a great painting and tutorial
Gorgeous, expressive brush work! Wonderful instruction.
wow! what a beautiful piece. I will definitely be trying this out soon!
Thank you so much. I paint acrylic abstracts, but I’m still learning how to paint organic, expressive shapes. I learned a lot from your video.
Very nice video. This looks more like oil. If this is acrylic are you adding something to the acrylic to keep it from drying too fast?
Hi. What size brush are you using please?
Skillfully color mixing and brushwork, as a result high quality and effective artwork. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and talent.
Beautiful work
Thanks very much.
Nice aple
Too good. Thanks a lot
Wow!!! Man you are the best in the web!
And I thought as acrylic dry fast we need to paint fast too
This is a beautiful tutorial but I do believe that the title is misleading. I understand the loose and expressive doesn’t have to be quick BUT when people search the term they are looking for ways to get out of their heads and paint more EXPRESSIVELY and loose hand. This painting technique is VERY intentional. It’s like saying I’m going to draw a wiggle line but draw each wiggle deliberately instead of organically.
Too refined, I was expecting it to be more painterly!
I looove it ❤
Best I have seen yet. Come over and help me paint 🤗
Hello! Great tips. Just had a couple of questions. Did you paint wet on wet? It would have been nice to see your inspiration piece to see how you made the shapes of light and dark.
Wonderful. My favourite colours.
Wow, thanks for showing the technique! Do you thin out the paint with water and is the brush damp?
Great video. I learned a lot on this topic.
Good tutorial. I wouldn’t call it expressive though, just normal good way of painting that is not overly blended.
I’ve been looking for this! Thank you!!!
Do you let any layers dry before adding more paint?
Hey! amazing tutorial. I just wanted to know what is the style called where we just hold the brush from very far away and paint swiftly with a lot of arm movement? Is that also loose painting? I am just confused between the terms.
I was skeptical as the pear progressed, but it pays to wait to the end. The close-up with the background and leaf show it to full advantage. Love the leaf too!
Old newbie here, liked this and will copy. Thanks.
different. result, though is nice.
Are you mixing the acrylic paints with anything? I’m a complete newbie.
I know this video is crazy old, but it still has helped me so much! Gorgeous work!
How long did you apprentice with Van Gogh and when did you first meet him?
You have painted the pear badly, you are not a good artist and painter. I saw all your videos
Sorry, better you do something else.
FANTABULOUS. Can this technique be used for other media as well?