Over 650 Glaze Combinations for Pottery!
Over 650 Glaze Combinations for Pottery!
Summer Restock Schedule
August 18th – 6pm CST
EtSY Shop HERE : https://www.etsy.com/shop/jonthepotter
OUR NEW BOOK! : https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Pottery-Projects-Creating-Selling-ebook/dp/B0875X81S5/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=practical+pottery&qid=1598893705&sr=8-1
An Epic Pottery Event
The FIRST Annual open studio event hosted by Jonthepotter
Saturday August 14th – 9 am – 5pm
Sunday August 15th – 11am – 5pm
Event will feature
Over 500 unique handmade pieces for Sale! Range of prices from $10 – $500
Choose the Glaze Combo and Glaze it!! We will have 100 mugs ready to be glazed and you can choose from over 600 different glaze combination examples to get the perfect mug for you! (Mugs are $50.00 includes shipping, $40.00 if you can arrange local pickup)
Extreme Raku Firing Demos!
Pottery Wheel Throwing Demos!
Come to Jon Schmidt Pottery’s (Jonthepotter) NEW Studio for an epic pottery event! Pots for sale as well as a variety of different demonstrations will make for a memorable experience!
8820 Island View Rd.
Waconia, MN 55387-9605
OUR NEW BOOK! : https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Pottery-Projects-Creating-Selling-ebook/dp/B0875X81S5/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=practical+pottery&qid=1598893705&sr=8-1
Mocha Monkey and Pottery Studio: Send me stuff or visit @
115 South Olive St.
Waconia, MN 55387
***PATREON – If you want to support me financially, head over to the Patreon page
https://www.patreon.com/jonthepotter. – Pottery Giveaways every MONTH! Your support helps me to make MORE videos, BETTER videos, MORE pottery, and BETTER pottery!
***ETSY SHOP : https://www.etsy.com/SHOP/jonthepotter
***WEBSITE: https://www.jonschmidtpottery.com
***INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jonschmidtpottery/
***FACEBOOK PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/jonschmidtpottery/
MY KILN : https://amzn.to/2Ibfu2X
SCULPTING KNIFE TOOLS :https://amzn.to/2KNzkiV
BEST THROWING SPONGES : https://amzn.to/2Uk2nTr
NEEDLE TOOL: https://amzn.to/2ri67DU
BEST TRIMMING TOOL : https://amzn.to/2UEBjgS
BEST WIRE TOOLS : https://amzn.to/2D3cTDE
MY CAMERA: https://amzn.to/2UkzmHc
The BEST lens for photographing pottery :https://amzn.to/2QRtxeA
LIGHTS :https://amzn.to/2UbeWg6
My WHEEL : https://skutt.com/products-page/potters-wheels/revolution/
CLAY: http://continentalclay.com
GLAZES : http://www.maycocolors.com/jonthepotter
Just loved That wall. Iwish We had something like That in our studio
Would luv to see some of these with the flux on them too
This is cool. Probably the first time I read a book and then found the author’s YouTube channel.
OMG! Move those vases. Scaring me. Excellent !
Love your work thanks for sharing with us
Are you using Marco or Amaco glaze?
not really sure why you keep on using red gloss (or really any coloured glaze, but esp red gloss) on the inside of mugs when the bright red colour in Red gloss comes from cadmium which is a known carcinogenic. i would not feel safe drinking warm drinks or anything from such a vessel and thats why i just watch your vids for your great tutorials. hope you will reassess how you use these glazes, in the future. "Cadmium and its compounds are highly toxic and exposure to this metal is known to cause cancer and targets the body’s cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, neurological, reproductive, and respiratory systems." https://www.osha.gov/cadmium .
You the best.
Greetings from Cape Town 🇿🇦
I really wish you would say what combo each of your mugs are when you are unloading!!
just started a 30×30 test tile wall last week. Kind of wish I saw this vid first :p
Kewl beanz, dude!
How do you glaze fire upside down?
Well my favourite was lava rock over bright blue gloss lol.
i would love to see a file with all the pictures of the glaze combos. its so hard to find the mayco glaze combos all in one file. prepared to pay for it 🙂
Oh my gosh. What a lot of work in that glaze board!
I would be willing to buy a brochure of all of those combos. Are you thinking of producing one????
Love the test tile wall! Looks super classy. What a huge project that must have been!
What was the combo with the mug that was white with black spotting? Lava rock over white gloss?
Wish I would’ve stumbled across this video in time to go to your opening event. I especially would’ve loved to see the demos on wheel throwing & raku. Plus pick up some of your beautiful pieces. Since I’m local I’ll keep an eye out to see if you’ll have other similar events in the future. If you ever teach classes I’ll definitely sign up.
Ben quelle chance vous avez d’avoir toutes ces possibilités, mais tout le monde n’a pas l’argent pour acheter tout cela!😉
Omg the blue and whtie mug at 11:17 is my favorite!!
Hey Jon, Ive found red gloss with galaxy on top is stunning and the same on purple gloss, pretty popular. I fire to cone 6 with a 15 minute hold.
Hi! I just watched one of your myths and I have one. What happens if you accidentally have bits of hardened plaster in clay? Had to throw a bunch of reclaim due to plaster issues. Thanks much!
I have a question about when you do 2 or more glosses on 1 piece. For ex the Red gloss over the lava rock.
1) Do you cover the whole thing in the gloss and then put the other gloss completely over the first gloss?
2) do you fire the glosses individually
Ex: put the lava rock gloss on – fire it, then put the red gloss on – then fire it again?
Or both at once?
Jon, you’re going to need a MEGA-WALL, to do test combos with three glazes, as you like doing!!
By the way, do you have a video explaning your back ground, story and mocha monkey story and how it came to be? I would love that!!
In college when I was doing pottery I came up with a way of doing a very intense testile board but it was not a board. It was a round vertical Tower on which I did spirals one for each primary glaze color in a counterclockwise direction. Then a second color the same color in a clockwise direction this would give you an over and under of every glaze you used. If you did a 2 ft diameter Tower that gave you 6 ft of circumference with 2 in for each glaze and an inch space to keep the glazes from running into each other you had a lot of glazes you could fit on there. Adding a third vertical stripe would give you over and under Three glaze combination. Adding a horizontal stripe gave you a four glaze combination. Doing three towers going from a two-way combination of three glaze combination and a four-ways combination would give you a lot of glazed examples in a very small space. I’ve done them as small as one foot and diameter and even six inches in diameter with half a dozen to a dozen glazes. The tower or cylinder didn’t have to be perfectly vertical and could have texture on it which would allow you to demonstrate and visualize breaking glazes.
Hi Jon. Do you dip them all?
Some gorgeous mugs. What was the combination of white with black, was that white over lava rock?
hey jon, which is the combo name for the black and wht
Was that white over lava rock? So freakin’ cool.
Unsellable!!?? No way!! I bet you can get a smaller buck for them, but their not unsellable. Just open a small section that says " mugs with defects, less expensive" and i garantee pepole would buy them. …. i think. Lol
Do you sell mugs and stuff at your coffee shops?
OMG please add this spreadsheet to your Etsy shop. I would totally buy the file to have dip combos with pictures!!!
Forgive my ignorance, I don’t work with pottery. I work with wood and epoxy. Just wondering.. could you prop your mugs up in the kiln so the glaze drips to the bottom and then somehow grind down the drips? Maybe with water? That might be a bad idea, so disregard if it is haha. Just thinking out loud. Your work is awesome and your glaze sample wall is epic!
What was the mystery glaze from another segment?
Jon. I am usually not a safety police kind of guy. But would caution you to look into what constitutes food safe in regards to cadmium and other heavy metals they are encapsulating for the reds. I don’t know if I would use them on functional work at all as you should label them with the restricted metals present under most safety protocols. Even in the claim is nonleaching. At the least use it on the outside and line with a stable glaze. My opinion others may have a different view. Best wishes.
I suggest you you accept Islam you will succed
The black and red worked really well in my opinion. I absolutely love your work🔥. I’d buy all of them😂
Did you ever make a file of the glaze combinations? I would love to see that!
Did you try orbeez on clay in a kiln?
6:29 I love those!!!
What was that beautiful whit one?
I am sad I missed the event. But I want one of those vases.
Love your enthusiasm Jon! so inspiring for us potters!
What do you do when the glaze sticks to your shelf 🤔
Hi Jon! You area great! Pure energy! On test tile wall with glaze combinations you used just one coat of each?
love the glaze results and matrix idea. Please though, in the future use a tripod or stitch stills together and scroll them slowly, the handheld herky jerky camera was very hard on the eyes.
What a fab idea!!! Have to change to Mayco glazes now as they bought out Duncan. This is a very helpful video. Now I have an idea how to proceed as Mayco does not have as many colors as Duncan did. Now I am more motivated to do my tests.