The Case for Impressionism
Impressionism is one of the best known and loved movements in Art History, but why? We present a case for why Impressionism is interesting and worth your attention and admiration, beyond the famous names behind it of Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Edgar Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Mary Cassatt, Alfred Sisley, Camille Pissaro, Gustave Caillebotte, Paul Cézanne, et al.
#impressionism #art #arthistory
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ways to fast
This was soo delightfully best
The charm of Impressionism lies in those loose brushstrokes. The artworks might appear effortless, but there’s a great deal of work behind it. Thank you for your video!
Always been a fan of Impressionist art and decided to type "Impressionism" in the search bar on yt and ended up here
I love this video and your channel thank you
impressionist is unfinished child work
I love the impressionist stile most .
The somewhat misty vieuw as trough a cloud of steam , makes these paintings so much more lively and natural to me .
Or probably the way you see the world after a few good glases of wine !
To me its the most beautifull artform we have ever seen , afterwards it gradualy went to much to the psycho-side .
These paintings need no explanation and so called " baked air " as we say in the Netherlands .
Great watch I thought. the impressionist paintings give me a rush of adrenaline and evoke emotions that make me want to create art myself
i got just over 11 mins into great impressionism content, but that north american ‘croak’ voice’ narrator did it for me… i couldn’t continue anymore and i have been a fan off impression art for most (thanks be to God) a long time…
Ty ne dolzen znat moego iskustwa,potomu,cto wros w biografii.
A lot show us the life from the history, today or tomorrow, equal films etc
Were can I find the mind map presented in the video on art movements?
Thanks in advance!
Lovely Art but you talk to fast A lot of Americans do this on here 😮 it’s like they’ve got a train plane or cab to go ride that’s waiting outside.
Thank you for this overview of impressionism. It was just what I was looking for.
I sure wish people would stop using word ‘devolve’ as though it meant the opposite of ‘evolve’! It does not. The opposite of ‘evolve’ is ‘degenerate’. Devolve means something else entirely.
This is such a great video!
there was a very intervened, complicated looking like map of which art movement is stemming from which art movement and developing further into a third one. how can I find that depiction? Or could anyone help me out with its name?
i m from indonesia. please show up subtitel in indonesian language🙏🙏🙏
I like renoir too, the lovely earm colours, styles
8:10 "You know,… painty."😁
Impressionism had a profound influence on me. When I was young I was driven to draw. I could not draw realism no matter how hard I tried and it discouraged me to the point of quitting drawing. In college I discovered the art section of the college library and found the Impressionism books. I saw in them what I saw when I attempted to draw. And from them I learned the most important art lesson no one can teach you- it is okay to draw the way you draw. It doesn’t have to be photographic realism. I am indebted to this movement because it gave me permission to keep trying. Now I have a Masters in Studio Art and I teach, and I encourage my art students to create the way they know how to.
An overall informative overview of impressionism – but when it came to mentioning female impressionist artists, two of the best of the day were Canadian – Helen McNicoll and Laura Muntz Lyall … the world knows about Mary Cassatt … more need to know about Helen McNicoll and Laura Muntz Lyall .
Impressionism is my favorite sort of painting. Thanks for your videos. Thumbs up.
Personally, my favorite part, and the part that makes it very hard, of Impressionism is the use of color. I’m trying to get better myself but it’s challenging
Impressionism is my absolute favorite art style.
i like impredsionsalism
Just looking at the thumbnail (for this video) – it’s beautiful. That says something
Such a dreamy video!
The funny thing is AI art has a much easier time with realistic images than impressionistic ones. I think simplifying values and forms needs immense knowledge of how light behaves and our eyes see. Love it.
I try to write like this but practically no one can understand it either much less willing to admit to it. Like this is impresionistically. The brain has to put that together. Helping usually only serves to confuse all the more. I try to write impressionistically. Now they think they get it but many will not. It is impressionism. Can’t understand impressionism either much less willing to admit it. This is impressionism. That’s what I said. I wrote it very clearly for you and Homeland Security. It can’t be done in a free world. People gonna talk any old way they like sir
This is an awesome presentation. Thanks for sharing. Kudos to the patrons!
Impressionism delights the eyes in lightness
Coming from the movie Modigliani (2004) .Picasso introduced Renoir to Modigliani he is calling Renoir as God. And Renoir asks to Modigliani are you little bit Mad ? smiling I knew it 😀😀.. was a nice scene..
Before going to a museum I was most interested in photorealistic paintings as they showed such amazing skill. At the museum, I learned that it was impressionist paintings that gave me such pleasant feelings.
simply AMAZING video. Truly fascinatingly and interestingly told, capturing the essence of the beautiful art movement that Impressionism was. Thank you <3
Extremely well done video.
Here because of art class———————>
I love hearing about and studying the Impressionists. Thanks.
well explained on my favorite art movement
Great video. Many thanks!
tbh when someone who could paint crazy well with skill no amateur could hope to easily recreate and yet, chooses a particular style of paiting, I’d be more interested. Otherwise, it just sounds like an excuse.
this is so gooood
Art has not evlolved,
Post Modernist is nothing but rubbish, it is the result of Socialist propaganda, and Colectivism shuved on my throat!
Idk… Pop Art looks really old to myself 🤣 I hate it as much as anyone.
Impressionism is my favorite era of art. I’m getting a tattoo of 3 impressionist paintings in September
Thank you. I enjoyed this very much.